About 6 years ago I was really frustrated with and perplexed by the UMCs structural inability to plant churches, evangelize and make disciples. 5 guys broke me out of my funk.
I was in an Exponential Learning Community with @alanhirsch and he broke it down that we only look to ordain shepherds and teachers from the Ephesians 4 gifts Jesus gave the church.
Then this bomb was dropped by @JeffVanderstelt "the problem in discipleship is people have been educated past their level of obedience." We know more Scripture than we are able to obey or willing to obey.
When my frustration was at its worst, Jim Putman gave me a moment of clarity: he mentioned he left a mainline denomination to plant his church bc the mainline "doesn't want to win." It all became clear. We redefine failure as success. We aim hard for plateau and decline.
Neil Cole pushed me hard on discipleship... it's why I use Life Transformation Groups... and see the above tweet. Even when we try to revitalize the class meetings, we do not go as deep as the LTGs go. We do not seek to multiply. We just don't want to win.
And then it all kind of came together with @beaucrosetto and @ReleaseTheAPE ... figuring out what it means to be an evangelist with apostolic edges when churches want and ordain primarily shepherds and teachers
My meager contribution for thriving in the mainline: just win, baby. Ignore the structures that hold you back. Stay away from people who will distract you or thwart you: yes, there are plenty who do not want you to succeed.
Kill your own Loserthink: for me, that meant "stop asking for permission" bc that was really a mask for seeking validation. They don't want you to win so they are not going to validate you. And how pathetic that I want that.
Change what you read. Drop the business books. Put Willimon & Nouwen on the shelf. They have their place, but they have been too prominent. Read Robert Coleman, A.B. Bruce, Bill Hull, & Dawson Trotman until you get it. They deserve as much time as you have given the other writers
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