As blue-collar jobs are being destroyed by the millions across the nation, rich liberals are implementing policies to destroy even more working-class jobs.

And, Harvard wants to use its clout to cause other institutions to dry up even more capital.
And, notably, Harvard’s commitment to climate change conveniently doesn’t include divesting from investments in China, even though China is the #1 greenhouse gas emitter in the world.
This is wrong, cynical, elitist, and cruel. It’s virtue signaling for the rich & powerful, at the expense of blue-collar America.
At the same time it’s using its vast resources to try to bully the American economy, Harvard happily takes over $600mm in federal funding each year for research.
So, the co’s that Harvard will now not invest in (or divest from) presumably include: oil & gas; coal; electricity (other than pure wind & solar); EVERY car company; ALL airplanes & air travel; ALL trains; ALL trucking; ALL steel; UPS & FedEx; Amazon & ANY Tech that delivers....
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