I am a Professor at Oxford Brookes University.

I can confirm that it is a real university full of amazing academics, brilliant professional services staff and fabulously committed students. It all actually exists.

Bring it on, Twitter.
At our university, there are world leaders in research & teaching across all disciplines. Our graduates go on to do amazing things, and I'm constantly proud of all that they do, and we do to help them get there. I have cause 2B proud of my colleagues & students every single day.
& I wouldn't have cause to say any of this, were it not for Twitter showing its ugliest side yesterday, declaiming things it knows nothing about, revealing prejudices founded on elitism, divisiveness & ignorance by which British academia is happily not predominantly characterised
& I won't say more cos I'm busy editing some research with a *colleague* at Oxford University.
We all do same job. Buildings are different, pay, structures, public status, culture even - all might be different - but in the end - academics are intellectually all in it together.
You can follow @kovesi1.
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