Over the past two weeks I've been interviewing dozens of bioscientists who have suddenly pivoted to COVID-19 research. Here are the key issues and themes emerging from these conversations (1/n)
The scale of the outbreak + cheap/fast sequencing + pre-print servers + online media has created an unprecedented deluge of info and data, and groups have had to quickly develop new ways to collate resources and get their work seen by those who need to see it.
PhDs and post-Docs are volunteering in great numbers to assist with COVID projects, but will require extra support as ongoing projects crucial to their careers are sidelined, delayed or abandoned
Despite my best efforts, the responses and comment I've received as part of this series have been disproportionately from male researchers, something echoed when you look at COVID coverage in the press more broadly.
There are likely a range of systemic reasons for this, but there is concern that female researchers are being disproportionately affected by the move to home working too.
There is also a concern that while those in specialties directly relevant to COVID-19 are busy with emergency responses, researchers in more distant and less useful fields have more time to write big COVID grant applications.
To vastly oversimplify the funding situation: the response of funding bodies has been varied - at times chaotic, at times impressively rapid
But, as one interviewee said, at some point "we will all have to acknowledge, across the board, that we were unprepared."
As @pcicuta put it: “Life is not going to be the same...I don't think we've even begun to think about the potential impact of a second wave. More coordination & refocusing will be necessary, & people will need to be creative in identifying challenges that didn’t exist before.”
Oh, and everybody is sick of Skype and Zoom calls. Obviously. As am I!
That's about it so far - please follow me and @royalsocbio for more Q&As from across the life sciences as this crisis continues and do get in touch if you'd like to contribute to the series. https://thebiologist.rsb.org.uk/biologist-covid-19
You can follow @Tom_J_Ireland.
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