“No tangible progress” on fisheries says Barnier despite political declaration target to sort this out by July... Says UK hasn’t provided full draft text, and won’t allow it to be published...
Says clear evidence required of controls on checks and goods entering N Ireland from outside EU, as agreed on Agreement... “new partnership can only be built on trust”...

Says there are “serious difficulties”...
“The UK says there won’t be extra time... never before have we had such a tight timeline exceptional even for a simple trade deal.. uk cannot therefore impose this short timeline and then at same times not budge on topics of importance to the EU” Barnier..
...”otherwise one has to be seriously concerned in June as to whether the negotiations can have a successful issue” says Barnier through translation at press conference...
“We’re not closing door on extension, it’s expressly provided for in the treaty...but we have to decide this jointly before 30th June - it’s at that time the EU would respond to (whether EU should ask for extension)..shouldn’t end up with situation where one side asking”: Barnier
“We’re not at the end of negotiations - indications will be seen in June, still have some time before success or failure manifested. We are not the ones imposing the time constraint.. right now UK saying they don’t want to prolong, that means 2 rounds left (before June)”: Barnier
“This agreement will never happen if it damages the single market” says Barnier...
Well. Mood music really rather downbeat there with 9 weeks and two rounds till June 30th.

Also almost all the questions were from UK journalists (one Irish q I think) - maybe a tell about where EU priorities are not right now.
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