Q: Why isn’t my local recycling centre open? Keeping it closed just means more flytipping! Why isn’t the council doing something?

A: Well – it’s not that straight forward…
The coronavirus crisis has affected councils waste services in a number of ways.

While councils have been able to keep domestic refuse collection running, more people are at home so there is simply more household waste to take care of.
In addition, social distancing measures and staff absences due to social isolation or sickness have forced household waste and recycling centres (HWRCs) to close.

At the same time, there are reports of (very much illegal) fly-tipping and waste burning increasing in some areas.
This is clearly not an ideal situation.

Councils are as keen as their residents to open HWRCs as soon as practicable.

But (and this is big BUT): HWRCs can only open when it is safe to do so.

Both staff and visitors need to be assured that the right measures are in place.
This would include:

🟣 Clear Government guidance that going to an HWRC is essential travel

🟣 Sufficient staffing and PPE for HWRC staff

🟣 Police support in place to safely manage visitor flow and traffic queues at sites
With these and more measures to be considered, opening an HWRC must be a local decision based on risk assessments in each area.
Therefore, until it is safe to open your local recycling centre:

Please 👏 store 👏 your 👏 waste 👏 at 👏 home.
Also, and we cannot stress this enough:

🚫 Do NOT flytip or attempt to burn waste.

Not only is it illegal, it is also highly inconsiderate. This is time where we all need to pull together.

Council staff are doing all they can to keep communities safe.

Please help them.
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