I see people sometimes tweeting that those under 18 already can't get gender-affirming surgeries, and this isn't actually true - in the US there are surgeons who will do vaginoplasty for 16-year-olds and chest reconstruction for 13-year-olds
That doesn't mean it's a problem that this is happening. It means that if you think this is a problem then maybe you should consider that trans people's doctors know better than you.
Don't let anyone try to shift the Overton window into getting you to agree that under-18s can't or shouldn't access gender-affirming surgeries.
You should be pushing the window in the opposite direction: not only is this already happening, we already know that it's just fine that it's happening.
If it's not already allowed, we should be arguing for it to be allowed as a decision to be made between trans patients and the medical professionals treating them.
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