A thread of good books to read in quarantine!
-Call Me by Your Name
An Oscar nominated film as well. Personally one of my favourite books. If you like great descriptions about scenery and emotions then this is the book for you.
A dystopian book with a twist ending. Read it for high school and remains a fave. It is one of those books that starts with such intrigue that it'll keep you interested from the very first page.
-The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
This book is written with a middle school ready standard but it is a very fun read nonetheless. You can be done with this in a matter of days but it will keep you entertained from cover to cover.
-Animal Farm
If you like politics, this is a very good book for you. It is pretty short and easy to read. When people tell me they are trying to get into a reading habit, I always recommend this book. If you don't read, here is smth to start with.
-Between Shades of Gray
This is a book about a girl being taken to a Soviet concentration camp. One that I hold close to my heart because it is the first book that made me cry. Amazing imagery, it leaves you feeling like you were there with the protagonist.
-Boy Erased
If you like reading LGBT books, this one is a memoir. The author writes about his experience in a conversion therapy. It is also a film (have not watched it) but the book was really good. One non fiction book I really enjoyed.
-The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
A classic fiction book set during the Nazi rule. It is an easy read and a tear jerker. If you have not read it (or watched the film at least) GET ON IT!
-Catcher in the Rye
I personally did not really enjoy this book but it is very popular (especially amongst boys) and so I thought I would add this in. It is written in the perspective of an alienated teen who observes everything with a brutal take. If you're into that, go for it.
-Legend Series
I am a huge fan of dystopian trilogies and this one is my all time fave. All three books are very gripping and it has a distinction from all the other dystopian series I have read. If you are bored, this trilogy is a very good distraction.
-The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
I you want to understand being on the spectrum, this is a very good book. It really brings out the thought process of a teenage boy on the spectrum and it is an oddly gripping story.
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