Mum just told me dad is 'confident' that drinking hot water will prevent #covid19. Why? "That's what Indian doctors are saying". I've relayed that technically I am an Indian doctor, but apparently that's "not the same". Ethnic parents' Whatsapp groups will end us all.
omg she sent me dad's Whatsapp vid now, I'm watching. It's an interview of a head and neck surgery professor. Let's see how long I'll last...
Dad's Indian Whatsapp video on #covid19
Q: "what is your opinion on treating #covid19"
A: "Drink SIZZLING HOT WATER every 15 MINUTES until you SWEAT. In 48 hours, viral replication will STOP"
F.U.C.K. That's 3 min in. 14 minutes to go
The doctor continues: "Is anyone advocating this (hot water) as a therapeutic intervention? No"
Um, yeah that's a good thing, Dr P P Devan
"Sprouts, fresh lime, black raisins, seeds of papaya (zinc)". He is throwing in words like iron, antioxidants, cytokine storm. more:
If you have prodromal symptoms, and people drink hot water NOT A SINGLE DEATH WILL HAPPEN. If a single deaths happens, I'll retract my advice.
Q: What do you think of convalescent plasma from donors?
A: It's a good idea [explains how it works] but too late by that point.
Q: Hydroxychloroquine?
A: 'I was the first one who read the original report. I advocated HCQ+azithromycin it from that point on wards. But we ignored the cardiac side effects through conductive blocks. Must take with omega 3 to stop this.'
He sounds smarter than he is. more:
Q: How about BCG vaccine?
A: 'It triggers T and B cells, but sipping hot water works - why use a vaccine? We have survived millions of years, why do we need a vaccine'
wow. ok. more:
Q: So to increase immunity we need what
A: Iron from raisans, vit c from lime, amino acids, zinc from papaya seeds
Q: so all natural things to increase immunity?
A: Yes
Q: Doctor Devan has clarified doubts about #covid19. Thank you!

Well let me tell you why this is SO dangerous
This guy actually understands a lot. Uses most terms correctly. Yet has a massive cognitive blindspot because of his bizarre ad naturalum dogma. People like him are highly persuasive. Of course my dad would trust him. He bragged about his post doc in immunology.
What a battle for truth #covid19 is proving to be.
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