my dads side of the family is so fucking toxic and full of liars and gossiping snakes and fOR WHAT?? sorry i’m finna rant even tho no one will care enough to read this djdjdj
tw / death rn and for the rest of the thread
these people are over here saying my cousin and i talked shit at work about an old family friend and how he died like ?? why would we ever make fun of that, the man died young from drowning in a lake or something he was only 40 sum
plus my cousin and i have never even talked to him or the family he associated after our family stopping hanging out with them bc of some other bullshit drama years before his death and my dads
as a kid i used to hang with his daughter at family parties why would i ever make fun of her dead dad when i have one as well?? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE
my dads side is so toxic after my dads death people who weren’t even there at his final moments were saying he was having seizures and making up shit like he foaming at the mouth like???? no the fuck he wasn’t my cousins and uncle were there and saw what happened
i hate these mfs so much. but idk who the fuck is spreading these rumors the guys widowed wife said to my cousin (diff one) someone from wendys (where my cousin&i work) told her we were laughing and making jokes about that and it pissed me off bc who tf at work knows my family??
death like that is never fucking okay to make jokes about like what the actual fuck are these people that fucking bored during this quarantine i’m about to throw some hands with these bitches
anyways end of thread sorry for ranting about something stupid i’m so mad i can’t enjoy defending jacob goodnight
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