Can everyone just take a step back and think about what they’re doing? There’s no point fighting the kmbb, some of them are saying to choose 2 or 3 due to the fact that it’ll fit in better in korean subways. This is true as I’ve been there myself. It’s also not the best design+
+in terms of colour, font and image placement. The font is hard to read and almost clashes with the background colour which means it would be harder to read when walking past it in a subway. It also has very random things placed which just makes it so full on. I would love for+
+it to be chosen but in an environment like Korea, the exact placement and how the public will view it, I think it’s better to choose 2 or 3. This is just my personal opinion. But please don’t go off at the kmbb you’ll just piss them off and that’s NOT what we want.
I’m saying this as an ot7 stan. It hurts that we can’t include ot7 things in ads all the time but it’s just something we have to I suck up and deal with I’m afraid. It’s the harsh reality.
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