Sometimes you just gotta watch a dumb old western #RedGarters
I hope people sing a jaunty tune when I die
These cowboy costumes are so bad
men and women be different!!
The color scheme of this movie is extraordinarily ugly and considering how expensive color films were in 1954 I am personally offended
the entire. film. is on this backdrop.
But why does the sky AND the sand have to be the same shade of piss??
they’re having a pigeon plucking contest and a Native American in EXTREME redface is there
don’t worry they also have a Mexican character played by a white guy
They do a comedy bit where a horse chases redface mcgee across a wooden floor and that horse definitely whiffs it in the worst way at the end of the take and they fade away like nothing happened
So they basically had no animal safety laws back then huh
fuck this movie
Why though!!!
This is a spoof of musicals/westerns that were popular at the time and I went into it knowing that (the opening text even states as much). That being said

this is a dumb movie (and offensive)
well it was a common (but still wrong) thing for actors to play other races back then, it’s not as if the Native American redface character is portrayed as a dumb, alcoholic, cowardly, opportunistic gambler who shaves her face OH WAIT
They do this kinda Our Town thing where the sets are just parts of buildings or nonexistent and I’m reminded why I hate Our Town
I finished the movie and to sum things up why did they call this Red Garters
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