One of the things that most angers me about "concerned" transphobes, is that they gain their support by scaring people. By telling people they're in danger. That those they love, are in danger.

They spread fear, in order to spread hatred, and it's unbelievably cruel.
Many transphobes spend their time telling people, often vulnerable people, that they care for them and just want to help and protect them - all whilst terrifying them with stories of a dangerous enemy, in order to recruit them to spread hatred and help their cause.
It's a level of cruelty I cannot even comprehend.

To pretend to be someone's saviour, when really, you are the creator of all their fear.
Transphobes exploit people, playing on their fears and trauma. Then, when those people, due to manufactured terror, begin to believe reprehensible things about trans people, and are called out, they claim to be the only ones who care. The only ones who understand. It's abuse.
This is why, mostly, I just feel sad, for many transphobes.

What a life they must lead. So terrified of a group of people who mean them no harm, that they live a life of paranoia, obsession, and hatred.

A life filled with anger and fear, is no way to live.
I think this is why it's so hard for many transphobes to stop. It must be unbelievably difficult to accept that the people who claimed to care for you were exploiting your fears, and using you to spread hatred. And even more difficult to accept that you hurt people along the way.
It's so much easier, to double down on irrational hatred, than to face what you have done, and what has been done to you.

It's not right. None of what they do or say is right.

But I understand.

And I'm so, so, sorry for them.
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