Seeing people say Keir is class privileged because he managed to make it to be a human rights QC from being the son of a toolmaker properly grinds my gears. It‘a in the interests of the ruling classes for us to gatekeep being working class
The idea that you are not “one of us” if you go and get educated and use that education to fight for us legally and politically is so counter intuitivw
It sets the idea that to be working class is to be uneducated and unaspirational, thus massively insulting the working class. It teaches working class kids that if they want to stay connected to their roots they cannot seek to improve themselves at all.
When I was growing up I was bullied relentlessly for trying in school. Later when I applied to an objectively posh uni, I was told I “thought I was better than everyone else”. Like trying to get into the institutions the ruling classes hold was somehow treacherous
It is not un-working class to get educated. To succeed. You can remain a part of your roots even if you join circles that are middle class later. You can always come home as long as you use your education to fight for the working class. He’s fucking labour leader.
Good, this thread is full of typos. But I’m livid.
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