One of my goal is to rewrite the Bref documentation to separate 2 use cases:
- use AWS Lambda as web hosting (i.e. get started with Laravel/Symfony/…)
- OR write serverless apps with PHP (-> nominal use case of Lambda: small, event-driven functions)
Should be less confusing.
You can use both.
The 1st (web hosting) is not the "proper way" to do serverless, but: it works, and it solves actual problems (cheap, scalable & effortless hosting).
And it is unique for PHP (thanks to its execution model): we don't have to rewrite apps to run them on Lambda!
I find it is a great way to get a foot in serverless: put your Symfony/Laravel on Lambda, then explore with more "Function as a Service" approaches.
For example: asynchronous workers, trigger code on uploaded files, react to changes in the database, parallelize tasks, etc. 🚀
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