Ah, a throwback to when SEGA had good female character designs.
Seriously. SEGA had some truly amazing female character designs in the 80s and 90s.
Honestly, while there was an over-reliance on leotards and a lot of characters originated from eroge, the late 80s and early-to-mid 90s were still a goldmine for good character designs.

I really miss it.
There were so much variety in art style, character concepts and fashion, but I feel most of that is forgotten now because when people think early 90s their thoughts begin and end with Sailor Moon and for late 80s it's all Dragon Ball.
And while a lot of it is no doubt nostalgia, I can't deny that despite loving modern anime and video game art it's still much rarer for me to see character designs these days and think "wow, that's a refreshingly unique/original look" than it still is for that era's designs.
I don't really want a return to these styles or series specifically, al ot of times the source material was absolute trash to be honest.

I just want the refreshing variety to come back because designs these days have become so homogenized.

The bad homo.
Anyway, that's me being nostalgic for a bit because modern SEGA designs *coughSakuraWarscough* *coughPSO2Aliscough* are trash.
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