We are committing economic suicide, destroying freedom and democracy for a virus that is unstoppable. This virus is a tragedy but our reaction to it only slows down the inevitable spread of the pandemic and destroys our society.
Lockdowns are needed as long as we don't have spare capacity in hospitals but as we do the Swedish method of isolating the elderly and going slowly for herd immunity is the least painful way of getting through this awful pandemic.
That's why France, Germany, Holland, Austria, Denmark, Norway are reopening schools and all affected countries should do the same. 90% of deaths in Europe are people over 67 most in poor health. It is this segment of the population that we have to protect.
But their protection should not be based on police surveillance. What we need to do is allow the elderly to do activities that increase their well being but are not a health risk, like isolated walks and sports. But we must protect them from crowded places. Shop for them.
Spain has had the most obedient lockdown and still the most deaths per million. If this is the case it is because while children haven't had fresh air for 40 days and no child from 2 to 14 has died many elderly shop and go to crowded places, get Covid and die.
Please study this report and see that less than 200 people under 50 have died in Spain https://www.mscbs.gob.es/profesionales/saludPublica/ccayes/alertasActual/nCov-China/documentos/Actualizacion_56_COVID-19.pdf this out of a likely 5 to 15 million who are by now infected. For people under 50 Covid is as deadly as a flu. For those over 65 Covid is a great risk.
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