"Suddenly I'm The Healer?"
platonic holohealer (Lifeline + Mirage)
dt: @catcorgii
genre: comfort, fluff
brief mention of stimdoc (Lifeline/Octane)
The heavy sent of coffee lingered in the common room, despite Elliott having a bitter taste for it, he found himself drawn to making a mug so late at night when he couldn't sleep. The scent was comforting, substituting for a presence that wasn't there, although he wasn't ever too
sure what it was that was missing. He generally dismissed it, paying it no mind as just a small, bothersome though like deja vu or.. an odd dream.

Quietly zoned out in his own 3 AM insomnia bubble, he hardly heard to soft shuffling behind him until he felt a a gentle weight on
his mid back. It shocked him a little, admittedly. He set the warm mug down with a soft clatter against the counter, Shifting his body around as smootly as possible, maneuvering his arm over the smaller figure.

"Che-" A faint sniffle cut off his confusion. She refused to meet
his eyes as he looked down at her. She shook her head, moving her hand up to presumably wipe her face. Her faded, red-dyed hair was out of it's normal style, draped thickly over her shoulders. It was so curly like this- it was insane how much hair she actually had.
Carefully, Elliott wrapped his arms around her torso. He pulled her smaller figure closer to his body, gentle like she was so fragile she'd shatter if his grip wasn't delicate enough. She took a few stumbling, small steps to close the distance between them, plotting her head
right in the center of his chest. The room was incredibly dark, which she was thankful for. The only light that illuminated to room was the somber glow of the LEDs that lit up the rim of where the floor met the walls.

Elliott ran a careful hand over the back of her head,
debating if it was safe to ask what was wrong. He'd never seen her like this before. She's never come to him feeling so.. broken. She felt so small, so emotionally exhausted. Ajay had always been seen as the strong one, who kept everyone in good spirits. It was rare she was ever
seen remotely upset or angry.. she was the optimistic type. Elliott was one of the closest people to her, and even he's caught off guard when she curses or cries a little.

Ajay shook her head, her soft whisper hushed by the fabric of his t-shirt, "Ya girl is no good, Elli.."
Somewhere near the end of that, he swore he heard her voice crack. "Woah, woah, Ajay.." Elliott pulled away from her a little, his hands shifting to her shoulders in an attempt to meet the medic's gaze. "What makes you think that?"
Her eyes were glued to her feet, "Octavio's legs fell apart mid-game. He was so determined to win and I-" She wiped her face, sniffling. "I made those legs, Elli.. they just.. fell apart underneath him an' we were ambushed.. He looked so angry with me."
He hushed her softly, bringing her close again, "It's okay, Che."

She coughed a little, "I gave him weak legs, Elli." She took so much pride in her work, and she had so much dedication to helping others. He knew how much she cared for Octavio, and how much she knew about him.
Ajay slumped against him, feeling her knees get weak. Elliott set his head in the crook of her neck, and she set her gaze to the ceiling. "I coulda been better.."

Her vision blurred and she felt her face get warm, choking a little as she tried to hold back her tears. If she had
checked them before hand, or had it been her to be seen first, Octavio wouldn't be forced to stay stationary and reliant like a disobedient child. "Worthless.."

She crumbled and slipped to her knees, Elliott quietly kneeling down with her. She leaned against him, pressing her
face to his shoulder, her whole body quaking and she cried quietly. Elliott's heart broke when she just shattered, taking small, sharp inhales between quiet sobs. He sighed quietly, rubbing her back in rhythmic circles.

"It's okay." He whispered quietly, turning to press a small
kiss to her head. "You're fine.." She shook her head, going verbally silent. "It's okay, Jayjay."

Ajay hiccuped quietly, her crying slowing down. Hearing her speak so downly of herself was frightening. She was so strong but, this had tipped her. Tore her down, destroyed her.
He hushed softly. "You're safe now, hon.."

They sat there in the common room until morning creeped, and Elliott's coffee had gone long cold. She clung to him desperately like an anchor, and he refused to let go of her until she did, and even then, the thought made him uneasy.
Her grip loosened, and she had finally calmed down, and come to peace. He wrapped his arms around her torso tightly and buried his face in the hair gathered at her shoulder. "We all make mistakes, yeah, Che?"

She laughed softly, deciding against fighting the relieved smile that
edged onto her face. "Yeah."

Elliott smiled, pulling himself away to plant an affectionate kiss to Ajay's forehead. "Let's make some legs, yeah?"

Ajay grinned, sniffling and wiping away dried tears.

(end thread)

#ApexLegends #Respawn #EA #Apex #Lifeline #Mirage #Octane #Comfort #Fluff #Lifetane lifeline x octane // lysol clorox tide pods // get baited lol- Lifetane stans whuddup, how my babies doin?
can't forget #disinfectant and windex..

honestly this could've been better and i had a better picture in my head, but i'm pleased.
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