I remember back a few months ago I hung out with these group of girls and I was just vibin but they slowly stopped inviting me to stuff and wouldn’t care at all what I had to say in their conversations and just made me feel like I didn’t belong but I thought that I might’ve just
been acting paranoid so I didn’t really ask them about it and would just cry to David every night asking what I did wrong and if I was just a really bad friend or not a good person to be around, long story short turns out those girls begged the ONLY real friend I had in that
group not to invite me to hangout because they felt as though “I didn’t fit in with them” and if that doesn’t show how much girls suck I don’t know what will.
actually, I never said crap. You always had something to say and the last time I checked. The ONLY thing I would is “I hope they are doing better”. But of course you went and twisted my words around making it seem as though I was talking bad about them.
let’s actually get it straight, you guys created a whole other group chat without me in it, never texted in the one I was ACTUALLY in. To specifically exclude someone like that? crazy. I might’ve checked my phone every now and then but it wasn’t anything outrageous.
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