This week's tally of requests to use my work without paying for: 17. 17 requests (actually some were demands) to use photos or videos that I've spent considerable time and effort to capture / create, without payment. Some by people employed by very large companies.
I don't ever name and shame for many reasons (primarily I hate social media lynch mobs, but also because shame is not a good driver of lasting and real behaviour change).
It isn't about the money (although we've all got bills to pay), it is about value. If you / your business / your company get value out of the work of someone else, you need to express that value to that person in some way or another. Find a way to exchange value back to them!
I'm actually supportive of this on an individual level too. There are photographers whose work I've purchased because the photographer has brightened my day in some way, or because the work speaks to me.
I've purchased art work from various artists and it hangs on my wall or is on my shelves. I've paid money into gofundme campaigns and other crowd funded artist / photography projects to help other creatives, because I see value in what they do.
The world is a better place because of art and because of creative people and creative collaborations. If you want creatives to keep brightening the world and making it a little bit happier, find a way to support what they do.
I get that I have a conflict of interest here, I'm not at all begging for support, I'll find my own way through, this isn't at all about me.

Over the last few weeks I've seen so many creatives give up on what they do because they can't feed their families.
It is heartbreaking to see these amazing people quit. I get that we're all in the same storm and that things are tight for many of us, but I recommend finding some little way to support those who make your life a little brighter.
Anyway... that is the end of my rant (for now), back to your usual programming. Have a great weekend.
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