haikyuu boys as your boyfriends: a soft thread
- always wants to hold hands
- matching outfits
- likes to stare at you, but turns away and blushes when you notice him
- always walks you home
- cracks the corniest jokes and puns
- he likes it when you play with his hair
- tickle fights but he always loses
- doesn't really show much affection when others are around, but when it's just the two of you he's super clingy
- a blushing mess when you kiss his cheek
- struggles to use the right words when he wants to compliment you
- chilling under the stars and late night talks
- treats you to ice cream when you ace your tests
- loves to put his arm around your shoulder when you two walk
- "tsukki what do you like about me? " "let me think, hmm..everything"
- likes to tease you, especially with your height
- always blushes when you're around
- likes to play with your hair, especially when you lay on his lap
- coffee shop dates!!
- loves it when you put your head on his shoulder
- loves to cuddle
- "why are you blushing? " "because you're so cute and i love you so much. "
- loves physical contact
- cuddles and holding hands 24/7
- your contact name on his phone is "my baby"
- always makes you laugh, especially when he knows you're sad
- super clingy
- his lockscreen wallpaper is a picture of you
- always walks you home
- late night texting
- forehead kisses
- foodtrip dates
- a bad boy on the outside, but a soft boy for you
- loves taking selfies with you
- showers you with compliments
- loves to squish your cheeks
- plays with your hair
- has a polaroid picture of you on his wallet
- movie night dates
- he's not scared to vocally let you know how much he loves you
- deep talks
- loves it when you wear his clothes
- sends you wholesome texts
- always reminds you to take care of yourself
- when you two have an argument, he will immediately apologize
- he's very comfortable around you
- "don't forget to drink water, okay? "
- helps you when you do your makeup
- loves to give you gifts even if there's no special occasion
- big spoon when you cuddle
- loves to stroke and brush your hair
- loves hugs
- binge watches tv shows with you
- loves pda a lot
- has a picture of you on his wallet, on his phone case, and has your picture set as his wallpapers
- sends you cute selfies every now and then
- likes to go shopping with you
- "let's have matching halloween costumes!"
- lets you wear hiw clothes
- takes you out on cute dates
- gets flustered when you hold his hand
- likes watching rom-com movies with you
- you love to send him memes and he sends back some too
- protective of you
- loves it when you pet his hair
- always makes you laugh
- tags you in the randomest posts and memes
- gives you the corniest pick up lines
- lots of cuddles
- cries when you watch sad romance movies with him
ok wtf the rest of the thread didn't upload??? we--
- you were the one who made the first move because he's a shy boy
- always knows when you feel upset
- does his best to make you feel loved and secured
- likes to put his arm over your shoulder
- shy smiles
- gives you the cheesiest pick up lines
- you two send each other dorky selfies
- has a picture of you sleeping as his wallpaper
- lets you wear his jerseys
- "why are you smiling at me like that? " "i just feel happy to have someone like you"
- calls you "love"
- recommends you cute songs
- asks for permission if he can hold your hand
- smiles at you everytime you're not looking
- intentionally lets himself lose in a game just to see you happy
- you have matching keychains
- arcade dates!!
- flirts a lot
- always wants to make you feel comfortable
- a huge dork
- backhugs
- sends "i love you" texts several times a day
- not good with words so he lets his actions show how much you mean to him
- super clingy
- gives you puppy eyes just to cuddle with you
- very patient and understanding
- takes care of you
- lets you wear his jackets
- sometimes asks his brother for advice on your dates
- you cook food for each other
- super soft spoken
- head and forehead kisses
- a huge tsundere
- you two like having indoor or stay at home dates
- loves your scent
- he starts using the same shampoo as yours because he likes the smell
- even though he won't admit it, he likes having your company
- warm cuddles with him
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