rhodey and his golden retriever !!
toni idk if you still have me muted but this is for u !
Let's talk about Rhodey's golden retriever! She's a service dog! Rhodey adopted her when she was 3 years old. This was a little bit after Afghanistan and getting tony back. Rhodey found that just going to therapy hadn't been enough for him so he sought out some other form of
emotional attachment. He named her Lola. Rhodey and Lola are joined at the hip most days. And after his fall, it's almost like you can't find them apart. He needs her though. Some days he wakes up and he isn't fully in the present - he'll be halfway across the world in a bunker
or in the war machine armor plummeting from 15,000 feet - and she's there in an instant to comfort him and help him come back to what is real. She's always there for him. During his recovery process after the fall, he'd find her sleeping in his bed a lot more often and
it made his heart swell. In short, she's his best friend (aside from Tony of course) and she's amazing.

Here's a picture of them! (don't mind his expression. One of Tony's super-children burst into the room)
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