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I've noticed that my hair tends to hold waves better when it has more frizz? Again when wet I can always scrunch in amazing waves/curls but most of the time when it dries regardless of what I do, it loses definition v quick which is so strange bc my hair used to-
- hold styling super well and would pretty much last with very little definition loss for 3, sometimes 4 days without even refreshing... only in the last few months has my hair become ultra smooth and even after a full routine, all definition is gone by the next day. It's weird..
I'm beginning to think that, besides the very likely possibility that my hair pattern has changed over the years, that maybe some parts of CGM are actually smoothing my hair more. It is clearly healthier, yes, but it's like it's *too* healthy??? Does that even make sense??
I used to spend 20-40 mins brushing my hair in OR out of the shower (depending on length, obv the more hair I had the longer it would take to detangle) because it had tons of waves and texture - now I can run a brush through it all in less than 20 seconds. I can also just take -
- a hairtie right out with very little resistance, it's something I've literally never experienced before and I'm thinking if I do want a chance at getting proper waves back that maybe I do need to go back to shampoos/conditioners with sulfates in them or something. idk, hm.
my hair is doing so good today!!
okay this is where my hair thread is gonna continue bc I accidentally started a new thread but it was supposed to go in this one
yesterday was like by far the best results I've gotten since I started this, I think getting the right hold is what's most important for me. the texture and health is there, it's just getting it to stick that is the main issue

rn I'm using Cantu shea butter max hold gel
I was worried about it because it has castor oil in it and I remember a couple years ago I got super sick doing a castor oil treatment on my scalp but so far this seems to be totally fine

the hold is great if you use a lot, plus I use a bit of a curl revive mousse! then diffuse
I've found in all this that a modified curly girl method is what works best for me

unfortunately I think LUS brands wavy formula isn't really doing much to help besides general health, & a lot of curl retaining cgm tips don't work for me either
the main things from cgm that DO work for me and my hair type which I believe is 2a:

• adding lots of water or working on *almost* soaked hair before adding product
• maximum hold gels
• SCRUNCHING a TON with product
• diffusing on high speed/med heat & going SLOW
what does work cont

• fluffing my roots after diffusing
• scrunching my hair dry instead of just smushing a towel around my head
• using t-shirts to get extra moisture out
what does NOT work:

• plopping. no matter which way I do it or when, my hair just ends up a mess

• air drying. not enough hold, definition, or volume. doesn't set the products

• avoiding heat at all costs. heat is needed to set my waves in
what does NOT work cont.

• finger coiling. I think this works better for type 3+ hair, 2a simply doesn't spiral & needs upward motion, coiling just flattens it

• zero poo. overall cgm approved shampoo/conditioner has helped the health, but it has smoothed my hair too much
that's the main stuff I've learned so far I think

obviously this is just my experience and documenting for my own hair but maybe this might help someone else who sees it
been a while, forgot to take pics yesterday when my hair looked bomb but this was a few days ago and it do be wavy!! it was also really messy bc I didn't brush it for like a week woops but still, the waves were poppin off
these results turned out SO GOOD! I can tell my hair is getting better

didn't change much, curl cream, mousse, water, & light diffuse (I didn't do my full heat) - BUT now I mixed all of it really thoroughly between my hands & I feel like it distributed the product better? eee!
even though when I style I get good results I still am struggling to get it to keep the shape without being crunchy after its fully dry

gotta try this with the gel I have over mousse probably
she do be wavy!

kinda am tempted to go back to teal so I can have mermaid hair again 👀
I thought my hair was pretty healthy until I saw someone else's waves that look like literal waterfalls touched by the gods & I realize just how much I still gotta go LOL

good progress tho, these are currently my fave products. trying hard to only shampoo once a week rn!!
another fave product! aussie is so so good

sorry for the unflattering angle lol but look at those little spirals c:
also, an addendum to some points of dos and donts higher up in the thread:

I CAN go without diffusing or heat, but my waves hold better with it, and I get more volume with it. my hair in general is quite flat to my scalp. air drying is okay if needed
OH ALSO! I finally did a protein treatment! I've been using this reconstructor, I've used it twice so far and I think it's actually helped quite a bit. I know protein-moisture balances are really important for wavies & curlies 🙂
the past week or so has been the best hair I've had consistently in a LONG time. lots of lasting 2a/2b waves! honestly might have some 2cs scattered in there too now and then?? it's exciting eeeee. my refresh days have been so much better than they were
it's crazy looking back at my original thread (linked a bit higher up in this thread, I accidentally started this 2nd one a while back instead of continuing the first lol) - I was getting SO frustrated & close to giving up, but it really does just take time & the right routine.
where I'm currently at right now! here's a breakdown of my routine:
I wanna add that I'm pretty sure the aussie shampoo/conditioner is not "curly girl approved" however

1. I'm doing modified cgm & so far all cgm shampoos & conditioners didn't work for me. they either ruined my hair like deva did, or they actually straightened my hair like lus -
I've tried a lot of products the last couple years & so far this shampoo/conditioner seems to work best in conjunction with the rest of my routine.

2. it is okay sometimes to switch back to non-cgm shampoo/conditioner so long as you are removing buildup & following other rules-
3. I've actually seen some cgm folks suggest this to kinda reset in a way? so after I finish these bottles I will likely try something new again, most likely shea moisture as I do like their products (more skincare than hair but still) & they are cgm approved.
..I decided to give plopping another go bc I took a shower late & it's been a while & my hair routine has gotten better so I thought plopping would also work better... LOL NOPE! made my hair look like TRASH & now it's damp & stringy! I swear Im the ONLY one it doesn't work for
straight up makes me wanna gag & makes me so angry to touch or look at lmao. I did my full routine & the super defined perfect S-waves I usually get were there, & were completely ruined by plopping & my hair didn't dry at ALL overnight. guess it's just not for me!!!
let me just cleanse this disgusting plopping 💞sin💞 from ur tl by sharing pics of my waves actually looking varying degrees of ~good~
haven't fully dried or scrunched out the crunch yet but WOW LOOK AT THESE WAVES TODAY??? AHHHHH!

I tried to uh...incorporate my bangs this time... I usually blowdry them down flat but I'm attempting to make them match the rest this time haha
waves have been looking nice and healthy!!! I'm adding some fun stuff to my hair soon :)
found a new product that my hair LOVES. my bf got recommended another from this line (the 4 leaf clover one I think) & we both used it & liked it a lot, but when I went back it was sold out & was told to get this instead.

getting easier & easier to get my hair how I like!
still lotta flyaways n stuff but I'm just so happy with how far she's come since January!

also lil peek at the colour I added, I tried doing something else but uh kinda failed at it so it's a work in progress lol
bi hair!! it's more purple IRL but ill take better pics tomorrow! I LOVE. thank u to my sis @TheMetamancer!!

(im super self conscious about my bare face but im working on trying not to just scribble it out in pics when I have no makeup.. my skin has been good so 👉👈🥺 b nice)
we decided to just dye it all black besides the front two strips and bangs so underside colour, u were cool for the like 3 days I had u but byeeee
this was supposed to be in this thread woops
ironic how I say don't give up yet i have somewhat given up lmao
like idk i just need go accept that my hair in its natural state is just not that wavy anymore and just focus on growing it out super long. I can always attempt to do my routine to get the nice waves again whenever idk im just gonna wear wigs
but also this random lil bit decided to do a slight spiral today after not doing anything the last few days so??? what even is my hair pattern trying to be? couldn't tell ya
just wanted to share this video by swavy curly courtney bc it made me feel so validated bc her hair is EXACTLY like mine & she has had such wonderful physical & mental results from the CG method! she's right, I should appreciate my versatility <3
my hair is wavy, 2a/2b, maybe a little 2c with the best routine. that's okay. I do not need ringlets & spirals to have beautiful hair. my hair is SO MUCH HEALTHIER than it used to be because of the curly girl method & I'm able to bring out the curls when I want, but I shouldn't
hate on myself when I dont hop fresh out of the shower with them. it's okay to just have subtle waves, bodies change over your lifetime, hair textures change, what matters is that my hair is HEALTHY & STRONG. the fact that I can easily style it to define my waves now is great!
so much of this hair journey has been agonizing over the fact that I wanted my natural hair to be something else when I just need to accept that it is not that anymore & it never will be - it is what it is, & it's beautiful & good enough. & I've made so much progress.
for many years up tol this year I definitely COULD NOT achieve the S-wave & spiral definition that I'm able to do now! if I tried my full CGM routine that I do on styling days now back in 2018 or 2019? it wouldn't work at all!! & that's how I know my hair is healthier.
sorry this is just random venting on a really obscure thread of mine unrelated to any of my content haha. but my hair has always been so tightly linked to my confidence & doing CGM & seeing what others in the CGM community have to say has just transformed all of that. ❤
I honestly don't think I will really be posting progress on this thread anymore because I think my waves are pretty close to as good as they are going to get, I think I'll only post here specifically at milestones since I started doing CGM to really see the difference over time
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