is it so wrong to want a modern edelclaude au where theyre both the smartest kids in their school & members of their schools academic decathlon team and fiercely compete & bicker during practice and events to see who gets the most points or who can answer the fastest & have (1/7)
been doing that since their freshman year but it turns out that they have mutual feelings for each other and were just trying to impress the other only to unintentionally start this process of one upping the other, while they refuse to admit their feelings out of (2/7)
fear of rejection, so the night they win the national championship is when they meet each other on the roof of the hotel the team is staying in by happenstance & reveal to each other that they’ve been accepted to different colleges & may never see the other ever again,which (3/7)
leaves both suddenly realizing that if they don’t confess they might end up regretting it later on, so on their senior grad night the school rents out a carnival with edel and claude once again falling into their usual banter, trying to see who gets the higher score on the (4/7)
minigames or go on the thrill rides to see if the other will chicken out and then they ride the ferris wheel together when its all dark and the glow of the carnival’s neon lights is at an all time high, claude is the first one to confess that he was actually just trying to (5/7)
impress edel and both start laughing in relief thinking about the absurdity of their feelings and when the ride starts to come to an end they share a soft first kiss as their capsule reaches the top of the wheel before both are coming out of the ride absolutely red and (6/7)
trying to conceal their dopey smiles before leaving the carnival holding hands and edel drooling all over claudes shoulder while she sleeps on the ride back as their intertwined hands rest on claudes lap... is it? (7/7)
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