after tlj happened i actually left the star wars fandom. nearly fully unstanned. not because i thought the movie was bad, but bcs i loved it. at the time it was my 2nd fave sw movie. and you know what happened? i got laughed at and shit on for liking it.
it got so bad that i actually questioned rather i was an actual star wars fan bcs i kept getting told that i wasn't if i liked tlj or rogue one. i was going through some SERIOUS depression at the time, and star wars was contributing to it.
not through any of it's actual content, but through the fans. for nearly 2 years, i was completely detached from anything star wars related because it actually pained me to interact with the fandom.
what sparked me to rejoin? tros, the mandalorian, and some slightly thicker skin. i actually like tros. there are many problems i have with it, but it reminded me of why i loved star wars.

so i had this star wars boom. after 2 years of avoiding it, my love was reborn.
i had all of this excitement for star wars all over again and pretty much no one in my life to talk to about it. so i joined sw stan twt and well....

to quote ace hood "same ol' shit. just a different day."
now instead of tlj, which still gets made fun of just not as much, it's now being aimed at tros and reylo. and it's gone from "you're not a real fan if you like x" to "you're [insert horrible thing here] if you like x."
and like honestly, this is the same nonsense that drove me from the fandom years ago. it's not going to work this time, because i refuse to be bullied out of the fandom again, but seeing how it's affecting fans that are younger than me is heartbreaking.
like no, not everyone who likes tros hates women. not every reylo is an abuse apologist. sometimes people just like things that are different from your likes and that's FINE. you are not a political genius for liking/disliking something that takes place within fiction.
so that's why i don't partake in massive dogpiling of (unless it's something that i find especially serious to address.) it does nothing for no one and can destroy someone's mental health. woke points and in-crowding is not worth it. trust me.
signed - someone who loves reylo and thinks tros is decent.

anyways goodnight. might delete this thread later.
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