I haven’t started tweeting for fearing sounding unoriginal/dumb. An anonymous account should be freeing but it’s not...(my first thread)
It’s like I’m trying to maintain a reputation for this account - molding its interests and views into a semblance of a person, even though people who look at this account won’t know it’s me.
My thoughts are forming another “person” in a sense. This account is formed by me, but it holds a different reputation (right now, basically no reputation) and relationships (again, none of those rn)
It’s thoughts are generated by the same source, but it’s environment is different, so how it interacts with it’s environment also will be different to an extent. It’s partially me, but in a way it’s own “person” in that the consequences it faces are independent of mine
But if an anonymous account is it’s own person, then why do I care about its reputation? I think because I’m still an input, I guess I have an incentive to maximize the quality of my time being the brains for this new person.
But I think I should realize that it’s more fun to take swings and miss. That’s why I wanted to start an anonymous account.
Also, this thread would probably sound real dumb to anyone who might stumble upon it, so I should keep spewing my dumb thoughts and hope I learn something in the process.
You can follow @RjCamerarius.
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