We need to pay attention to what is happening in South Seattle right now. While overall COVID-19 cases seem to be holding steady in our region, there has been an overwhelming demographic shift that has taken place over the past few weeks and I don't hear people talking about it.
Staff at Harborview and Valley are reporting huge numbers of people from immigrant communities and communities of color... places where many people are still expected to go to work, who do the "essential" jobs that keep our community afloat.
This disease is tearing through these communities at such a higher rate than we're seeing in more affluent, white communities.
People who live in these neighborhoods often have larger households, care for elder family members, and suffer from underlying problems caused by a lack of access to affordable healthcare... In other words, our system has made these communities the perfect target for this virus.
Families in these communities are being ravaged, losing elders at a staggering rate, while our elected leaders speak as if we have a handle on this virus. This is white supremacy, manifesting crystal clear, and we cannot ignore it.
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