Why do people always hold women accountable for lonely dudes getting overly attached to them?
If they aren't directly trying to encourage that shit then I don't think it's their fault.
Women in this scenario seem to cop 100% of the blame which is stupid imo.
If you're so out of touch with reality that you think some hot chick on twitch personally likes you and wants to be with you because you donated money to her, it says more about your grasp on reality than anything.
Instead of spending your time screaming at women on the internet for having a job on twitch, why don't you promote things that would ACTUALLY help these men? Like maybe better access to mental healthcare? More community building so people like this can get out more?
(Also guys, I know all the answers to all of these questions already. It's just about misogyny. Like always. People also develop parasocial relationships to male twitch streamers and they don't seem to give a shit about that. WONDER WHY HMMMMM???)
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