Difficult 1H placements (in my opinion, and in no specific order)

1. Saturn
2. Jupiter
3. Neptune (or having Neptune as your chart ruler .. same shit)
4. Pluto

There are obviously others .. these are just the hardest to have to deal w and I’ll explain why
Saturn in 1H / Saturn-Ascendant aspects (especially square)

Everything in life is do or die. You’re practical, contained, powerful.. yes. But you also tend to take life way too seriously, as well. Ik u lot are tired of hearing it but seriously lol. Not everything’s a competition
Saturn | 1H cont.

Has a very very hard time letting loose. It takes months to freely and comfortably joke amongst friends or ur inner circle, even though u guys are extremely conscientious and well-liked. Maybe not well-received, always.. but nonetheless. Mature and respected
Saturn | 1H cont.

There is disharmony between the head and the heart. The heart says “be free, say how you really feel.. can’t you see how wrong they are?! How wrong THIS is?! ..” but the mind demands silence. You lot sacrifice ur voice for a facade of togetherness and composure
Saturn | 1H cont.

With these placements, I almost see jokes flying over ur heads a lot. Maybe u guys struggle w/ telling jokes too like .. the actual delivery/execution. Saturn in the house of Self is very hard to deal w/ because of how cold Saturn is/feels towards the native
Saturn | 1H cont.

Saturn says “good good! but you DO know you’ll need to put in WAY more work than that in order to see results.. right?”

Curses the native w self-esteem issues from young. I can see some of u being very shy or even introverted. Late bloomers, but u lot age well
Saturn | 1H cont.

Y’all have had to work a lot harder than many other ppl u may know in ur life and it shows.. on ur face, in ur behaviour, ur mannerisms. A facet of ur personality is seriousness in the sense that it’s made clear u rise above all else in the face of adversity
Saturn | 1H cont.

Which is why you lot are respected. Maybe u don’t feel that way, or maybe u had to watch everyone else succeed before u due to extenuating circumstances beyond ur control.. but ppl see the determination and (whether u guys even know it or not) .. u inspire ppl
Saturn | 1H cont.

I bet y’all have ppl telling u stuff like “I’m tryna get like you” or “your work/routine inspired me to do xyz” .. even if that’s not the case, I can guarantee u that’s what ppl are thinking internally in ur presence. Idc what any astrologer says about u guys
Saturn | 1H cont.

Immense amounts of charm and magnetism surround having ur life together / being focused, driven, unshakable, and yes .. serious. There is beauty as well as excellence in recognizing the impermanence of life and wasting no time as a result. It’s hot to be NO-BS
Saturn | 1H cont.

This shit just becomes difficult when y’all have to make a decision about who it is that u want to be and sticking to a plan in order to see things through. Saturnians aren’t indecisive per se, but they do think about things thoroughly before making a decision
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