Can we stop this please
I mean, let's be real, for a second. This message is going to sound better coming from a white man than it ever did coming from a woman. That's not the way I want it to be and I'm sure that's not the way many want it to be, but that is actually a huge factor in what's happening.
It's getting offensive to me, as a woman, to have people just ignore this. Everyone knows that the electorate is way more comfortable w/ a man talking about how Trump is a moral abomination than a woman doing the same thing.
We all know, implicitly or explicitly, that Joe Biden is able to talk in "stern" terms that Hillary Clinton was not able to so can we stop w/ the ruse of being baffled that white people might react differently to a white man than a woman?
Also, there are many other differences between 2020 and 2016. I'm not going to get into them now but the whole, "Joe is running SUCH a similar campaign to HILLARY which signals DISASTER" is nonsense and should be dispensed with immediately.
There are a ton of differences between 2020 and 2016 and I don't want to erase those. But there was also a clear intersection between misogyny and racism that hurt Clinton in 2016 and please stop erasing that. It's irritating.
If Joe Biden continues to center black people in his campaign, which he should do (including in VP slot), he's gonna get hit with a lot of this. But there's gonna be an interaction effect such that he gets hit a bit less than the woman was, b/c he is a man. We can all see it.
HRC chose to center black voices in her campaign, which was absolutely the right thing to do. Joe Biden seems like he is going to do the same thing and I sure hope he does, b/c I wouldn't support him otherwise. But stop acting like misogyny x racism don't interact in our politics
Biden has more freedom to talk about race than HRC did. He has more freedom to talk about anything than she did. He also has more freedom to talk about race than Obama did. I'm not saying this is what I want. I'm saying it's the way it is. I hate it when people pretend otherwise
And, btw, I say all of this as someone who is a supporter of Joe Biden. None of it is against him. But I'm tired of people acting like a white man is on the same playing field as a woman and/or a person of color. That's just patently false.
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