Thanks for prayers today. The funeral went well. Very small. Family in shock. I scrapped the liturgy. We prayed, I read the Easter Gospel and blessed the deceased. Then I took the rest of the hour we were allowed to sit (distanced) just listening to them talk about their mother.
I held it together until the daughter in law looked at me very sympathetically and asked “But how are you doing? This must be so hard on you too”

I didn’t sob. I held it together. But for this family in the midst of their grief to reach out in support of me was just incredible.
So we cried together. We grieved all the deaths and all the mourning and all the strain, together. I finally get lamentation.

The son said “We don’t mean to take away from your prayers though Father. We do have hope. We do believe in the Resurrection”
Then remembering my tweets about the Easter Gospel I said:

“Yes, and the Risen Lord let Mary weep and waited for her to recognize him. Resurrection waits for grief“

And I knew He was there. Risen yes. But waiting and weeping with us. Because that what living, loving people do
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