THREAD: if you’ve followed long, there’s a good chance you have a DM from me. I’ve been very open & honest about this, despite how many ppl clown & troll me on here for it. Why do I DM people? B/c I’m trying to build a business. It’s not a bot. It’s not an app. It’s me. /1
I respectfully ask ppl who enjoy my stuff for a while if they’ll support on @Patreon.  is where you can get a TON of bonus videos, chats, write-ups, etc. for even a couple bucks a month. It’s also literally what I’m trying to make into my livelihood. /2
I started ScoutWithBryan nearly 2 years ago. I quickly realized that YouTube pays only a couple bucks per video. Similar deal w podcasts etc. And my stuff is NUANCED - my videos are long & detailed & free of hot take/clickbait crap. They’ll never get millions of views. So, I /3
believe strongly in Patreon as a business model. Thousands of people contributing a few bucks a month? That can do it. $2 a video? Nope.

Obviously, it’s nowhere near that just yet. I know these things take time, times are tough, & your $ is hard-earned. All I ask for, at least/4
is a response. Starting my own brand means I don’t have healthcare. I don’t have benefits. I don’t have a salary. I HUSTLE - I give basketball lessons, drive some gig economy. And in my book? Taking the time to DM THOUSANDS of followers asking for their support - & getting /5
thousands of ‘no’s, is hustling pretty hard.

If you respect the hustle, I’d really appreciate your support on Patreon. But a reply at least would mean a lot. And if you have the courtesy to do that - I’ll let you still get all the bonus videos & content for even $1 a month (!)/6
if you sign up by the end of Friday. That’s all Patreon is. Whatever amount you choose. No extra fee. Just a low monthly fee to support ScoutWithBryan and get a boatload of perks.

To the 330+ awesome supporters I have on Patreon, THANK YOU. Again: I’m no-BS. Not the hot take/7
BS all over media today. I respect coaches & players & have been there & study the game inside & out. Most of the big 🏀 brands today don’t do nuance. They don’t think it’s “scaleable.” I think they’re wrong. And I think you all are smarter than they think.

Appreciate you /8
reading. Following. And - if you have a DM from me - hopefully responding. If you don’t? Again,  is where I very respectfully ask you to help me turn my passion into something that can keep the lights on. Any ?’s? My DMs are always open. Thank you. /fin
You can follow @ScoutWithBryan.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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