ㅤSoulmates with Unfortunate Events AU.
ㅤPartnered plot with @baeairine,
@xiaodeokjune, and @RYUZlEN.
It was just a nowmal day ㅡ and by nowmal, it means anothew day whewe Yuchan and Wyujin went out and people awound them would stawt whispewing to each other. They wewe known as soulmate since one yeaw ago, when they found out that they had same exact biwth mawks on theiw body.
Theiw eldews always said that if you found someone who has exact biwth mawks on youw body, it means you both awe soulmates. As simple as that.

Yuchan wanted to meet his old fwiend, Xiaojun. He came fwom ovewseas yestewday, so they wanted to catch up with each othew's life.
Wyujin, being a cuwious giwl she was, decided to tag along. She thought maybe hew and Xiaojun would click, who knows?

Thewe was something they both fowgot; somehow when they wewe togethew with anothew pewson, they bwought bad luck fow them.
The funny thing was they didn't even wealize until theiw pawents pointed that out.

"Xiaojun!" Yuchan called his fwiend excitedly while waving his hands, hoping Xiaojun would notice his pwesence. He walked as quick as possible to Xiaojun, shaking theiw hands togethew.
"How awe you? I've missed you a lot. How was youw life? Anything intewesting happened?" Typical Yuchan, asking question without catching a bweak. Then his mouth fowmed an 'o' as he saw a giwl beside Xiaojun. He didn't notice hew at fiwst since she was behind Xiaojun.
He looked at hew apologetically while smiling slightly. "Ah, I'm sowwy, I didn't see you thewe! I'm Yuchan, and you awe?"

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