i do not believe for a second that democrats have a path to victory in mind.
this should be alarming for dem voters, but they don't seem particularly worried about it.

yet again, they're mostly just angry at people who were not likely to vote for whatever unappetizing plate of mediocrity their party hastily threw in the microwave.
it really is the perfect low-stakes grift.

1.) have no intention of actually being the opposition party.

2.) blame everyone else for your completley avoidable defeats.
it's actually quite embarrasing that your average dem voter is falling for it AGAIN.

i think that's why i'm disinclined to be nice to them this go around. Biden 2020 is just Hillary 2016, with even less charasima & energy.
they built their ENTIRE opposition to Trump (and hilariously, Sanders) on their firm & irreproachable fight against misogyny & racism, only to succumb to the โœŒ๐ŸพenivitabliltyโœŒ๐Ÿพ of Biden?

wheew, not a good choice my dudes.
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