no you’re not 😭
being trans is so mentally challenging. gender dysphoria is horrible to deal with and it can be difficult to see someone you love going through that. not to mention surgeries/adjusting to hormones that can lead to depressive episodes, outbursts of anger and mood swings
this whole thing of ‘if you don’t date a trans person bc they’re trans you’re transphobic!’ Is so fucking embarrassing... not every gay man is comfortable dating a guy with female genitals just like how not every lesbian is going to be comfortable dating a girl with male genitals
Let’s not forget trauma can also be linked to genital preference. We’re gonna blame them for not feeling comfortable having sex with specific genitals??? It’s so so stupid please stop ur not entitled to overwrite someone’s personal preference just because of your dysphoria
I’ve been rejected solely for being trans and that shit can HURT but I’m not going to call someone who blatantly accepted, cares about and continues to be my friend TO THIS DAY transphobic just because she wasn’t comfortable with my gender identity. Who do yall think u are lol
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