Literally no country on earth, specially third world countries, needs white saviors to be touring them in the name of "activism". All these countries already have amazing local activists working their asses off and fighting to achieve a world where nonhuman animals are liberated.
The idea that european (includes white americans, australians, NZ, etc.) activists are somehow better and more efective than non-european activists is an imperialist idea that deems POC from the global south as "less developed".
And yes, this even happens when it comes to veganism, ironically tho since """latinx""", asian and african countries traditionally have had less animal exploitation and a very strong presence of very heavily plant-based diets.
This is not to say to not visit these countries at all. I'd love to do activism with a lot of you and you're more than welcome to come here if you want and I'd be happy to take sincere advice. I'll treat you with all the respect and I can even show you around and stuff.
Just *don't* come here pretending and even demanding (cough cough sk*nnyveganfitness) to do workshops, talks or even just pretending that you're the better activist and overshadowing the local activists.
Also, don't even try to travel the world to do activism if your plan is to abandon and then euthanize your dog :)
You can follow @radicalanimal_.
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