What if...

The Wuhan Virus was actually unrestricted warfare on the world to destroy the US Economy with Bill Gates, WHO, CDC, Bidens, Soros, Dems/DNC Deep State and China, all with an interest in taking Trump down that would benefit them all?
What if...
After trying for 3 years, nothing has worked to remove Trump from office, failing at:
Russian Collusion
Ukraine Hoax
Negative press from MSM

And time was running out & they all knew the skyrocketing economy would result in a victory for another term?
What if ...

The release of the virus was done in coordination with Dem/DNC impeachment in the House to deflect what was being released upon the world that included China purposefully putting infected people on airplanes going all over world while stopping all domestic flights?
What if...

The WHO delayed saying the virus was transmitted human to human and not to worry on purpose to ensure the virus spread?
What if...

Fauci and Birx were assigned to be involved as experts by the WHO, CDC, Gates to slow the response by only giving so much knowledge drip by drip to delay and to keep the re-opening goalpost moving to the right?
They never thought she would lose & Trump seriously put a big wrench in the tire of those who thought they would take over and they were determined to figure out how to stop him.
What if it works?

Will you be looking back saying "What If" we had fought back?
We must never EVER give in, never give up. Fight, Fight, Fight!

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