You should have to take a kindergarten level comprehension test to play any game more complex than fucking Putt Putt Goes To The Zoo so I don't have to read shit like this.
Fuck it , I'm getting slammed on vodka red bulls, I can rant for a hot second.
When I made that tweet about how Modern Warfare's writers should be ashamed of themselves, I was really talking about this.

We're in an art form where this can be said with sincerity because there is an audience so ignorant to actual themes and messages that this shit can exist.
The devs of the Divison 2 said their game wasn't political, and @JimSterling said, and I'm gonna paraphrase here for a second because I'm slamming Crystal Skull Red Bull bombs, "Any game where you pick up a gun is a political game. Firearms are a political statement."
Every single fucking game is political. Art is political. Games are art. If someone tries to tell you that "we need to get politics out of video games" ask him about the end of Metal Gear Solid 2. Ask him about Ultima. Ask him about Zork. From the inception, games were political.
If you cannot understand that there are messages that the developers are trying to send you, like "Warcrimes are needed and good and pretty fun, actually" from the COD devs, then you should retake fifth grade reading. You obviously fucked up somewhere.
I want games to become beautiful art. They are, but the people who play them can't see it. The Witcher 3's intruige is a fucking kid's book compared to something like Divinity: Original Sin II or hell, even Deus Ex.
Video games are a medium in which anything and everything can be explored. Recently, there has been a number of fantastic games tackling trans issues, like Celeste or The Missing, and those games are fucking rad. We need more games that explore underrepresented perspectives.
Let me end on this:

Games are political. This is good.
Gamers cannot understand politics. This is bad.
Please learn how to spot when a developer is trying to tell you something.
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