I dont believe any kind of change will happen. Maxine Waters was literally on video inciting violence on people of opposing political views. People have already been injured because of that incitement. She is still in office. That was 3 years ago!
2/Just wait for the right time? WTF does that even mean. I am watching regular citizens be locked up for exercising their constitutional rights.... and all anyone does is TALK about it!
3/ Nobody can walk back time, nobody can take back those abuses or injuries, nobody can walk back those arrests, nobody can walk back suicides and nobody can walk back failed businesses. Nobody can walk back whats already been done!
4/ Nobody can walk back deaths occurring because they are not a wuhan virus victim, nobody can walk back the set backs of people who lives will be destroyed are being destroyed! Nobody can walk back the scars and harm that is being created each day this is prolonged!
5/ Nobody can walk back the missed time being with loved ones in hospitals when they are most vulenrable, nobody can walk back those who died with out family at the bedside, nobody can walk back missed funerals. None of this can be repaired ever!
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