🐠Day 4 of Green Week 🐬Todays topic: water!
This is another topic near and dear to Pennsylvania’s and especially Pittsburgh’s heart as PA has had the 2nd highest number of Clean Water Act violations (source @EnvirHealthNews )
A study by @PennEnvironment found that 5 industrial facilities in Western PA made about 25% of all the infractions in the state.
Fracking in western and northern PA have also played a crucial role in water contamination. Though fracking companies promise that they will be working well below drinking water aquifers, studies have found fracking chemicals in drinking water. ( https://stateimpact.npr.org/pennsylvania/2016/12/13/epa-fracking-can-impact-drinking-water/)
In 2016, one company contaminated Pittsburgh’s water with enough lead to rival Flint,MI. Today, Pittsburghers are still struggling with the effects of this negligence.
( https://www.wired.com/2016/10/pittsburghs-drinking-water-got-contaminated-lead/amp)
In response, @CityPGH started the Safe Water Program which helps Pittsburghers get free water filters and lead test kits. Additionally, there are so many groups who are fighting for clean water . Lets highlight some today!
@CleanH2OPA is pushing for accountability from factories and establish green infrastructure.
@youghrvrkeeper works south of Pittsburgh on ground restoration of past damage, advocating on coal and shale gas extraction and other issues that have a local impact. Theyre holding polluters and regulators accountable in order to protect their community and the environment!
@ALLARMwater at @DickinsonCol engages PA communities, investigates the health of their streams and uses the data they generate for aquatic protection and restoration efforts
Again, this is by no means a comprehensive list so please feel free to chime in with more wonderful orgs doing the work that needs to be done!!
Tune in tomorrow for one more 🐛Green🩎Day🐱!!
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