I mean... I get it. I 100% understand we’re not going to shoot sunlight into people or inject them with bleach. But can someone, for the LOVE OF GOD, maybe suggest to Donny that getting up and just fucking winging it for an hour a day maybe isn’t the best ideas. https://twitter.com/david_leavitt/status/1253497493054197760
Even the presidents I didn’t like knew at their core that what the president says matters, and that what the president says during a crisis MATTERS even more. But Donny and his speed addled brain just gets up their and vomits word salad every single day.
Meanwhile tens of thousands of Americans are FUCKING DYING. I’m done using nice words. They are FUCKING DYING. And this guy, this fucking shit stained man-baby has absolutely NO FUCKING CLUE what he is doing. He is completely and utterly out of his depth.
And probably (maybe) there are people around him that have some tiny clue about how to run a government during a crisis, but they’re so busy cleaning up Donny’s messes that they barely have time to wash the shit off their hands before 10K more people have died.
And meanwhile sycophants like McConnell kiss the ring and pretend like Rome isn’t burning around them. I knew we we’re screwed when Donny admitted on tape to sexual assault and it took about 30 days for 90% of republicans to crawl up their own asses and eat their own souls, but
I never imagined this is how he’d destroy us. I never imagined he’d end our country by hopping on TV every afternoon and shitting his pants in front of the nation. I should have, because that’s his schtick, but I didn’t.
I’m a nice person. I have very little hate in my heart. But dear god, watching this man destroy everything I love has ripped open a hole in my faith in humanity that may never be repaired
Yes. There are typos in this thread. Their they’re there. I know the difference. I’m tired. I’m scared. I’m furious that this is who we’re stuck with to “lead” our country through this. We all deserve better.
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