(1/4) I'm not saying that I'm up for MAP positivity, but I just want to acknowledge the fact that a grand majority of the people saying that MAP Positivity is stupid are way more toxic than the MAPs and supporters themselves.
(2/4) A lot of you guys keep telling these maps that they should seek professional help and that 100% understandable. They DO need to look for help to combat these feelings...
(3/4) ...but you guys do not make any valid point when you immediately follow up with "KILL YOURSELF" or "ALL MAPS DESERVE TO DIE". No, they should not kill themselves and nor do they deserve such disrespect. They are normal humans like everyone else and still deserve respect...
(4/4) ... when spoken to. All they need is the proper guidance on how to correct their thoughts. Sending threats doesn't help them change. Threatening them just encourages them to continue, because "why change if I'm still going to be shamed during the process".
Now, this thread was ONLY made for the MAPs who understand their flaws and want to change. If you meet a MAP who has made it clear that they're not actively looking to change, then report them. Remember- THESE ARE NOT THE TYPE OF MAPS IM SUPPORTING
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