I made this post about homeschooling the other day.

It had a lot of engagement.

The pro and con side of the argument seemed pretty clear. https://twitter.com/jonfitchdotnet/status/1252291746072948737
The pro side was full of people that were doing homeschool or had been homeschooled. They all loved it and recommended everyone do it too.

I didn't hear any one say they had a bad experience with homeschooling. All positive.
The con side of the argument always case down to the same 2 main points and one lesser point.

Main point one is that both parents have jobs.
I disagree with this. I say both parents choose to have jobs.

People believe that they have to have a job in order to live. That’s because they think their is only one way to live. They think they have to live in big cities and drive cars and have lots of stuff.
If you really wanted to, you could live different. Ted Kaczynski lived in a shack in the woods with no electricity and no running water for 20 years. He was a crazy person, but it’s possible.
The ugly truth is people freely sacrifice time with their children to work a job to pay for shit they don’t really need.
Main point two is that kids need to be socialized in school. This makes sense if you live in a great community and are in a great school system but that’s not alway the case.

How many times have we heard about a kid being bullied so bad they commit suicide.
Peer pressure from kids with little to no direction. A lot of heard mentality behaviors are learned in these environments.

It seems like we could come up with way more constructive and community based socializing systems than an ancient school system.
The first lesser point that came up was that some parents may have learning disabilities and would be unable to teach correctly.

This seems like a problem that technology would be able to deal with easily.
The last lesser point that I heard was that some people children are either to wild or just wouldn’t pay attention so it was better for someone else to do it.

Major cop out. If your kid won’t listen or pay attention then you are the problem and need to get better.
My boy are plenty wild and I am able to get the to work for 2-3 hours a day. Even if I have to break it up.
One thing I hope comes from this quarantine is that people really start to see past the illusion of the system around us.

It’s all a fantasy, a hallucination, it’s all pro wrestling at the end of the day.
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