🗳 Coping Mechanisms 🗳
{Trigger Warning} disclaimer: you don’t have to agree or take this for a fact. What works for me may not work for you.
1) Cry it out. Sometimes you’re so used to living on survival mode that you don’t acknowledge your emotions and all of a sudden it all comes out. That’s okay bc you just didn’t realize you’ve been suppressing these emotions for so long and everything just comes out all at once.
It’s okay to not understand where the rush of emotions come from. Just cry and let it all out. Your subconscious knows it’s hurting and fed up before your conscious does so just release everything you didn’t realize you were feeling.
2) Try to recall what happened shortly before you got upset. If something different from your routine occurred then that was probably your trigger. Triggers can cause us to recall a painful memory or make the body remember an incident it doesn’t want to. Ex: if you use to self
Harm then you will be triggered seeing a knife or blade. Triggers are vital to understanding yourself. If you can recognize your triggers you can try to prevent another melt down or know to warn your friends and loved ones so they don’t accidentally trigger you.
3) During a melt down you are only focusing on the negatives. Everything you’ve been holding in just comes out and you feel like the whole world is against you. Try to recall all the good things that have happened and all that you’ve done for yourself.
When you recall good things try to incorporate this into your daily routine. When someone opens the door for your say in your head “I’m happy this nice person held the door for me.” Small things like that will help you shift your mentality.
Be kind to yourself. Everyday say a couple of things you accomplished. It doesn’t have to be anything big it can be just you getting up and taking care of yourself. Did you brush your teeth and brush your hair? Be proud of yourself for even getting up. When you’re upset it’s hard
To even get out of bed. You are not lazy you’re just drained from everything. If you need to sleep more then do it.
4) Try to occupy your mind with things that calm you down. It can be watching your favorite Youtuber, playing video games, reading, drawing, etc. find what you love to do that calms you. It can be something you loved to do as a kid but forgot about. Build a fort if you want
5) If you notice yourself start to dissociate try to come back to reality. I used to have dissociation that was so bad that when people try to talk to me I would zone out mid-sentence. When you notice yourself start to dissociate try to find something to look at and focus
On that item while listening. When people talk I mentally spell the words they say too.
6) when you feel yourself get anxious you can move your body. It might be something small like tapping your fingers on your thigh. If you have a favorite crystal or stress ball keep that with you so you can always have it on hand. I used to wear rings a lot and twist
My rings whenever I was at school or in a social setting and became anxious.
7) Try to plan for the future. If you are unhappy in your current circumstances try to plan a way to get out of it. What is your goal? How can you get there? What do you need to do to accomplish this? Do your research if you plan to move out. Don’t rush into anything blindly and
Work towards those goals. When times get hard or people get on your nerves remember those dreams and goals you have
8) when you feel sad try to think of who you are now and compare it to your situation and your past self. Things might suck now but it wasn’t as bad as ___ years or ___ months about. Think of all the ways your life has improved and you have improved and matured.
9) Bad things might happen but try to see the positive. Yes it may not be your fault but try to see what you learned from it so you can avoid the same people or situation from happening again. This wisdom you have now was only possible bc of experience
10) try to talk to someone about your problems. I know a lot of people don’t like talking to other people or opening up to them but try. Vulnerability is like an umbrella: if you always have an umbrella up you can’t feel the rain but you also can’t feel the sunlight. This is
The same with you b/c if you always have a guard up you will never be hurt again but you will also never feel love either. So try to be vulnerable and open up again
11) Get a pet. I used to have really bad attachment issues that people would constantly take advantage of my good heart and I would let them bc I was afraid of being alone. I did everything for people that didn’t care about me and still got used and abused like crazy. I was
Afraid of being alone and knew I was a very loving person so I didn’t understand why I was attracting people who didn’t love me back. I learned that self love was important so I knew my worth and didn’t let these leeches constantly take advantage of me. When you know your worth
You won’t settle or take any BS from people. I got a dog so I could have something to pour all my love and energy into while I was learning to love myself and it worked. Dogs are loyal and loving with a fault. (If you cant get a pet it’s okay)
(12) I made this thread bc I know a lot of people are stuck in quarantine and having a lot of episodes and breakdowns and want to help someone. If this doesn’t apply to you it’s okay.
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