I have QUESTIONS, a women’s basketball onesie thread (1/?)
WHY are the Australian @NBCOlympics Women’s basketball team wearing onesies?? In 2000? In 2006? Ever??
If it were more efficient, SURELY, they would ALL be wearing them, yes?? If they were comfortable, they would be Tokyo 2020/1 projected fashion, yes???
and YET, we are NOT. Sue and Diana continue into the future in SHORTS.
WHY is it that the MEN from australia wear SHORTS in 2000 and EVERY OTHER YEAR. why aRE THEY not subject to what is surely an athletic wedgie????
The men are even in SHORTY SHORTS in the 70s. But never a ONESIE.
I would be unbothered if someone could provide me with a LOGICAL REASON for this decision.
Anyways, back to ADULT ATHLETIC ONESIES. Can you imagine, like, Lebron being forced into this contraption????!??? I cannot. SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME. I AM BOTHERED!!
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