Most of my mistakes in life/business come from a lack of patience and focus. I've learned a lot of hard lessons because of it. Being patient and focused can feel boring and repetitive - hence the need to do something new and shiny. To master anything requires focus and a
willingness to accept the same thing day in and day out. The irony is, while it can feel "boring" and slow at the moment, the progress made over a long period of time is exponential. No matter what the focus is for, there is a brilliance to watching masters of their craft work
and make decisions instinctively. Years of repetitiveness & experience compound. The results yield the ability to digest information quickly and make very informed decisions much faster and with more accuracy than the competition. There are no short cuts, the work must be put in.
Most people won't stay committed, hence a master's moat widens as their experiences continue to compound.

Warren Buffet isn't Warren Buffett b/c he won the DNA lottery. He's Warren Buffett b/c at the core there are few as focused, patient, and obsessive about investing and
learning. I'm not denying there are other factors that helped along the way, there are many. But without the work and focus - mastery is impossible.

The best people in business/investing are the best b/c of years and years of focus. They can make decisions quickly and with
conviction. It takes a long long time to be able to do things accurately, quickly, and with conviction

The glue that holds it all together are the relationships and networks that are assembled during this journey. Those too, take a long time to build, and there are no shortcuts!
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