This is true from my experience in the Catholic Church.

I’m to queer for Catholics, but I’m too Catholic for queers. It’s really lonely. You often feel constantly misunderstood.

My only solace is Jesus and knowing He knows my feelings of rejection, anger, etc. all too well.
It’s really frustrating seeing “self-proclaimed trads” often take their jokes to extremes of just outright bragging about being “homophobic”.

I don’t think they realize for many Catholics we have suffered (and continue to suffer) from homophobia in and outside the Church.
I cannot speak for women. But I know as a gay man, a lot of talk about Catholic masculinity and being a man of God has also never seemed to apply to me and things people say men shouldn’t be are things I actually quite enjoy about myself.

I have found my own niche even if...
others don’t recognize/approve/acknowledge it. It took a while for me to come to terms that I *am* a man, even if my masculinity is not embraced the same way as other men.

I think especially on Catholic twitter I have been blessed to come across other Catholics who ID as LGBT+
and I will say a lot of their testimonies are similar to mine and one another.

We struggle and have a unique brokenness, but many of us have seen it as a unique blessing from God to get a distinct and personal glimpse of His Heart. 🥰

It takes a while for us...
Many of us are still struggling. Many of us wish we could be open about our struggles without our piety being put to the question or being ridiculed as “sodomites” and “f*gs”.
A lot of us have learned we may *never* be enough for the people around us or the people in the Church now. But we recognize we are enough for God and our worth will one day be recognized by our brothers and sisters in Heaven as reward for our faithfulness. 🥰
Anyway, pray for LGBTQ+ Catholics. Pray for the LGBTQ+ community as a whole. No one is too far gone from redemption or restoration/healing in Christ.

If you are LGBTQ+ know God deeply loves you and if you need a friend my DMs are always open. 🙏🏼
You can follow @michael_tarui.
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