i know nobody asked but since they’re all I wear, here is my ranking of walkathon shirts
nvm I decided I’m just going to rate the ones that I have been wearing
ok so first off is the blue 2008 WALK shirt. this was the first walkathon shirt that was like The Shirt people wore for mandir events. great color, good design. the neck was too tight at first but the fact that I still wear it 12 yrs (holy shit) later means something 8/10
giving > getting shirt. a nice neutral color choice and the fabric. omg the fabric!!!! this is the first walkathon shirt I remember having a really nice material. i like the color, the design, and the feel. still wear this one too. 10/10
the bright green walkathon shirt (are there two years with this?) this was a more recent shirt but I do not wear it at all because.... bright green. I remember the neck being too tight too. 2/10
the dark heather gray walkathon shirt with the really nice material and the people in a line across the front in white. that one 👌🏾 great material great design. this one got lost in the inevitable Sleepover Tshirt Exchange
i forgot to include a rating for this one. 9/10 docking one point simply bc i don’t know where it went
the dark green walkathon shirt. I feel like this one is often overlooked and forgotten. this one has not the best design but it was the return of the Good Material from the giving > getting shirt. 7/10 it had a nice material but i don’t wear it bc it’s kinda ugly
any of the white walkathon shirts 10/10. these are the shirts that have been there by ur side for every messy activity. it’s the shirts that get used and abused but still last years
the black and pink spirit of service shirt. ok this one was kind of a wild card I never expected this color combo from mandir. I think it’s really cute and the material is nice too. but it seems like a shirt that KNOWS it’s better than the others and i don’t like that. so 6/10
the light blue one with just the flame or whatever logo. this one is also overlooked but it’s pretty much the direct opposite of those bright green ones which I appreciate. for this reason i’ll give her a 8/10
i can’t think of any more but feel free to add shirts or better yet tell me i’m wrong and give me ur own ratings. need some drama in my life
I have a vague memory of the strange bright blue long sleeve that come with the women’s sized regular bright green tshirts. what was that? anyways that shit was TOO TIGHT. never wore it but it was kinda cute. 5/10 bc it’s a cute design & I think meera likes it
also it should be noted that all of these ratings are based on oversized shirts (so the tight neck is less of an issue) bc I always sign up for a medium but I hate wearing a medium so I always take my parents’ sizes
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