The #MonsterVerseWatchalong comes to an epic conclusion! It is time! KING OF THE MONSTERS HAS BEGUN!
@Legendary, @nerdist, @GodzillaMovie 🦖🐲🐲🐲🦋
Classic roar over black screen as nod to the original 1954 film. Winning.
Dig reframing the realism of the events of the first film as a more stylized, godlike event. Also makes you wonder whether if thats how Emma remembers it, leading to her extreme actions.
Will always love how the human emotional core begins on a Mother/Daughter relationship.
Mothra's new roar is a perfect "Legendary" reinvention, much like Godzilla's new roar.
I love Mothra in this movie and more on that later, but this new Larva design has really grown on me. Wonderland Caterpillar vibes that hints at her fantasy origins.
Its also a bit unclear, but I always assumed that Mothra doesn't "kill" any of those guys. Mothra is benevolent with non lethal weapons, but will fight back.
This may be the most underrated scene of this movie. Combines the scope and intimacy that the film is thematically reaching for.
Mothra calming down and her bioluminescence takes my breath away. I also love how already you can suggest that she only went haywire when the humans started to try to assert control. Good way of showing what the Orca can do while criticizing such a device.
Symbiosis will be the key thematically going forward.
I know @Mike_Dougherty wanted the cool action heroes enter shot but with scientists and it works. Love how the movie is making the scientists the heroes here and not the military.
These scenes do a good job of efficiently getting out exposition, establishing personalities and clarifying the relationships (especially Mark's relationship with Monarch). Subtle and Works.
I also like how no one is the "super hero scientist." Mark isn't the guy who is going to figure this all out. Its more of an "we're out of our depths and its all hands on deck vibe."
Plucky group of characters on a ridiculous battle station? This movie is the Godzilla Saturday Morning Cartoon I never got!
I stan Dr. Rick Stanton!
@DisneyandBeyond and I were the loudest in the theater reacting to the Monster Zero name drop.
One thing I never noticed is how Maddie has multiple scenes where she physically reaches out to a Titan (previously Mothra). She is the only one willing to intimately reach out and stand by these things. More on this later.
This scene is a good contender for one of the best original things @Mike_Dougherty has added to the Godzilla canon. The imagery and tension of Godzilla in his natural habitat is perfection and makes my heart pound!
Always love a Director with Horror routes sneaking in a jump scare.
Enjoy these Sally Hawkins scenes while you can. 😂
That Ghidorah is so dangerous and scary that history was literally written to omit him is my kind of nonsense. ❤️
While we have some time, let us take a random moment to praise @bearmccreary's score. Simply incredible. He infuses such great energy into even the most obligatory scenes. The tension he builds in this sequence really keeps up the pace in an effective way.
Here he is folks....the best iteration of Ghidorah!
Aside from the perfect demonic "serpent from the deep" imagery, the visual effects and realization of his three heads showcases this character like no other film has. Also the hint of personality excellent.
Not only does this movie do what 2014 did for Godzilla (effective scale and presentation) but also really delivers him in comparison to the rest of the canon. We all love our men in suits, but this is CGI at its finest.
I never thought I'd hear the classic theme in an American film like this...and it still gives me chills! ❤️
Love weaving in and out the classic roar!
And Sally Hawkins joins Cranston and Goodman. Is what it is.
That final shot of the waves coming out of Godzilla's Mouth as he roars in defeat and anguish is really effective.
I know the visual language gets a lot of crap in this movie, but have to say its looking good on the TV.
Now is a good time to talk about the Human stuff in this movie. First off its the first total ensemble that works for me. I love the ragtag "GI Joe" nature of the team. Its just the right amount of people with just the right amount of roles to stand out.
Emma is a perfect extension of Cranston's character from 2014. She is experiencing the same lingering guilt that he did, but she is taking it a step further. Vera is giving an obligatory but thankless performance here.
A lot of people argue why is Emma doing has nothing to do with her environmental message. She is acting out of guilt, frustration and vengeance. She is clearly more fueled by gaining back the control she lost when she lost her son.
While her environmental message may or may not be right, she is still advocating playing god. We see that does more harm than good and once again humanity trying to take control of the natural order leads to devastation.
The Fire Demon!
Rodan's best appearance is still in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II (1993) but still @Mike_Dougherty masterfully reintroduces him to the big screen.
The Rodan Chase is perfection. Score, action, threat and VFX is all top notch!
These shots of Rodan flying. Looks like someone has been playing Shadow of the Colossus.
I dig this shot of Rodan reaching for the ship like a hawk. A brief look at how we would fit in a giant monster eco system.
Yeah...this movie looks great. The dirty renaissance painting look of the fights may not be for everyone but they work for me.
The Oxygen Destroyer was another audible moment for @DisneyandBeyond and I.
@Mike_Dougherty says the Titans resemble the different elements. A much better use than the film Quantum of Solace.
I can go on forever about how KotM has strong religious undertones, but I'll just let this scene of Mothra bringing cleansing beams of light from the sky as humanity's last hope speak for itself.
Like...Mothra is literally acting as a North Star to their
One underrated aspect of Mothra in this film is how we have yet to see her full on. The divine beauty and light of her wings IS her look. The Legendary Movies have such a great way of uniquely showcasing these monsters and this is an example.
"There are some things beyond our understanding, Mark. We must accept them and learn from them. Because these moments of crisis are also potential moments of faith. A time - when we either come together or fall apart... (1/2)
"...Nature always has a way of balancing itself. The only question is... What part - will we play." (2/2) ❤️
The fact that the answer to "where does something as big as Godzilla go" is that he rests at an ancient human alter where he lived side by side with man is so beautiful and satisfying.
These soldiers have a short but sweet role in the movie that frankly make them way more likable and memorable than most films.
Sometimes when something works, it works beyond words. I dont know how Serizawa became such a powerful character in two films, but Watanabe is crushing it.
Speaking of beyond words...this scene is incredible. If the entire movie was made to deliver this it would have been worth it. A perfect distillation of man and beast's relationship in the Monsterverse come to an emotional head.
Now....listen to @bearmccreary own.
Noticing the Hearbeat Sound Design way more this time around. Subtle and effective.
Up until now, the Monsterverse has been challenging our place in the natural order. 2014 showed how small we are and Skull Island highlighted our hubris. This movie reveals our place...through symbiosis.
Its easy to rest on the "man is bad" idea. This movie plays with that but takes it a step further. We do have a place and its in tandem with the rest of nature.
And with that...The Monsterverse Comes full circle. For the first time, we are not working parallel or against nature. Humans are working with nature to fend off an invader (Ghidorah).
Going back to the shot of Maddie, there is something behind how the younger generation embraces the new age. Mark wants to turn his back and Emma wants to control. Maddie is the first out in the field embracing her role.
Sure, Mothra is more of the divine and magical harbinger...but will throw down. YAS QUEEN!
While I would agree that there are times I wish the movie would go Kong Skull Island and deliver a full on fight scene, I really appreciate the film prioritizing specific powerful moments.
I have gone back and forth on the criticism of the film cutting to ground level as often as it does, but overtime it has worked more and more for me. These scene of Maddie trapped and her parents finding her amongst the chaos have a beauty to them.
Mothra didn't die. She wasn't killed. She is beyond the natural order in a way Ghidorah is not. Many look at this as an unnecessary death, it is her most powerful move, to achieve life giving symbiosis through powers beyond our understanding. Beautiful.
I don't have enough tweets, but the tragic nature of this family really works for me. Its sad, heroic...and human. They love each other, but can't escape pain and judgement.
Hands down most satisfying defeat of Ghidorah ever!
As a Godzilla fan, seeing the big man LITERALLY be crowned the KING of the Monsters may be one of the coolest things I've seen in my nerd life.
Now cue one of the coolest Credit Sequences. #GOGOGODZILLA
If this was the final movie in the Monsterverse I would be more than happy. Goes from Godzilla as a mythical emerging threat to full on god. But of course...its not the last entry. 🦖 vs 🦍!
This was a blast, but I honestly don't think that this thread entirely captures the love and analysis we can give to this movie. So many more thoughts and deep dives are still coming to mind.
King of the Monsters at time disguises itself as more of a straightforward blockbuster, but in truth is brimming with powerful and thoughtful thematics and story.
Of all the films, it's the most emotionally satisfying. It has something to say and deceptively delivers while also nailing the third chapter of a cinematic universe.
After many rewatches, I have to say that I'm on board with the human story here. Yes, it has absurd genre conventions that push them forward, but its a real tale of what grief can do and how we can find our way once lost...through a giant monster movie.
Also the ensemble works. Injects more subtle personality than 2014 yet keeps the cast just small enough compared to Skull Island. Its not the most revolutionary cast, but its a fun serviceable cast of characters that deliver.
@Mike_Dougherty joins Edwards and Roberts by masterfully bringing his own flare and reverence to these creatures. They are powerful and majestic, each displaying a worthy modern reintroduction.
I mentioned the visual language earlier as I know how the fights look is a point of contention for many. While I would like in the future a "clean" full fight, I do love how the dirty look is used to show how the Titans and the natural elements are one!
Thematically & storywise, this movie is on point, operating as all three "Man vs man," "Man vs. Self" and "Man vs. Nature" while tying in themes of faith and the power of coexistence.
Some nitpicks and gripes: The movie could use some more quiet moments that were present in 2014 and some specific story beats could be more elegant. Also would have liked to spend a bit more time showcasing the worldwide destruction that was going on.
Overall, KotM continues to be a powerful piece of Kaiju work that only works better and better. Long Live the King!
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