happy international book day! i think education eventually causes many of us to dislike reading by making it a chore. this dispossesses us from the power of learning and expanding our minds!! then we feel guilty for not reading theory or “classic literature” and stop altogether.
reading should be nothing but pure magic! when i was a kid i used to spend all my free time reading. between all the places i moved books were my constant companion and i felt like i grew up with the characters i read about. so much of how i see the world now & the things i care
about came from books i read when i was younger. now i find it hard to make time for reading, and while i enjoy all the new things ive learned to spend my time doing, i miss immersing myself in other worlds and staying up reading until i couldnt keep my eyes open another minute.
reading shouldnt be intimidating or something u feel obligated to do. something as simple as revisiting books from ur childhood could inspire u in ways u would never believe! i wish everyone had time to find a love for reading, or any other interest that fulfills their spiritsđŸȘ
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